Thursday, September 27, 2012

What's Your Journey?

You've heard and read about my journey and my pre-30 bucket list, now I want to hear from you! I want to compile a blog dedicated to the things my friends, family and readers think on the subject of turning 30.
If you have already experienced this milestone I want to hear your reflections, wise words, regrets, things you would tell your 25 year old self. What are some things you are glad you did/ accomplished by 30? What are some things you wish you would have done or didn't do?
If you have not yet turned in your 20's card, what are your feelings on turning 30, are you excited, scared, indifferent? What things do you want to accomplish or glad you have done?
In preparing to turn the corner, what are you most fearful of and/or most looking forward to?
 If you don't want your name next to your responses please just let me know you wish to be anonymous. I sincerely look forward to your thoughts and contributions!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The List

I hit the 6 months to go mark last week, so without further ado, here it is, THE list...
  1. Start a business (*waiting for 2013 to official file for tax purposes, Kategorize website to launch 9/14/12)
  2. Visit Alyssa in L.A (2/13/12)
  3. Run half marathon (2/20/11)
  4. Quit job (3/5/12)
  5. Move out of Apartment/ South Florida (3/28/12)
  6. Shooting Range
  7. Ballet and/or Barre Classes (At least 6)
  8. Salsa Lessons (At least 3)
  9. Certified Park & Recreation Professional exam (7/10/10)
  10. Learn to play a new muscial instrument
  11. Plan something awesome for 12/12/12
  12. Be in a dance flash mob
  13. Run a second half marathon
  14. Get Passport
  15. Plan Missions Trip
  16. Train Trip to Seatlle
  17. Live audience taping in L.A. (8/4/12) *look for me on The Voice: Battle Round Episodes, behind Blake!
  18. Hike or camp in Joshua's Tree (Early October)
  19. Camping in Yosemite Park
  20. Tour Googleplex in Mountain View, CA.
  21. Paintball
  22. Rock Wall Climbing
  23. DJ an event
  24. Tai Chi Class
  25. Boxing (6/2012) *joined boxing gym for 3 months
  26. Visit Christy in Washington D.C.
  27. Choose grad school program.
  28. Take beginner class for Adobe Suite.
  29. Whale Watching *with roommate Jessica
  30. *Wild Card*
...I've got alot to do. If you would like to join me for any of the events I have left, or could help me accomplish them, please let me know! Wish me luck!