Thanks to my good friend Lisa, I crossed #18 off my 30 to 30 list, Joshua's Tree National Park.
Since a kid I have always been fascinated with all things concerning "nature". I spent much of my youth at the the Nature Store in the Avenues Mall looking at amethyst rocks, turning over rain sticks, watching videos in the back corner about animals and astrology. Here in California, there are an abundance of National Parks offering glimpses of truly unique scientific wonders, the likes of which you won't see anywhere else. So naturally, a park was a must on the list. Considering there was a bit of a disease scare in Yosemite recently I figured I'd just wait on that one.
Joshua Tree is recommended to be seen in early October but better late than I never I suppose. I didn't know that Joshua Tree was an actual tree not just the name of the park. (It makes sense, but don't judge, I bet a lot of you didn't know that either.) The National Park is a preservation area where 3 ecosystem (2 deserts and a mountain range) come together. The San Andreas Fault runs perpendicular to 2 other faults creating some amazing formations. We just really hoped the big one didn't hit while we where there.
The unique plants and geological formations are said to be the inspiration for many of Dr.Seuss' illustrations including, The Lorax. I have always been a huge fan of Dr. Seuss for several reasons. First of all what kid doesn't love the colorful, imaginative, creative illustrations? But for me, the older I got the more I appreciated him as a writer. His wise words in simple rhythms is pure genius. I aspire my Katisms to one day have a fraction of the same awesomeness. Maybe now that I have been to Joshua Tree, I can harness and utilize some of the same creative energy.
Lisa and I were able to capture so many unbelievable photos. Though my creative outlet has predominantly been writing as of late, I have had fun tapping into my "artsy" side playing with the images in a photo editor. It's not exactly oil painting like I use to do but it is the technology age after all. If I ever get a painting station set up again they will make great subjects! But the best part of all the photos is I was able to capture my FAVORITE art subject the sun and the moon in a single shot. To me it is a reminder of balance, give and take, renewal and so much more. Think about all the things that each control, the tide for instance. Using the heat enhancement settings (thermal, infrared, combustion & satellite) has been so cool with those pics! That probably makes me an official nerd but then again I'm already writing a blog.
It was such a great adventure. You can't help but to feel have a renewed sense of inspiration. It was the perfect end to a whirlwind week of ushering in a much needed new era.
Wikipedia - Joshua Tree National Park
National Park Services - Joshua Tree